Story of Salass

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High Guard and Alunes Hope Armour

Below is a picture of the two armours. The high guard armour is being worn by Salass and the Alunes Hope armour is being worn by a female Salaena.

Below is the details about both armours.

High Guard

  • Colour: Blueish Purple / Light Blue
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Features: Spikes
  • Protection Value: Very Good
  • Time to Create: Very Long

The High Guard Armour was the first armour to be wore by the Salaenas during the war 500 years ago, when Aldaions father led the Salaena attack force on the invaders. After the victory he formed the High Guard. With the High Guard he order all the strongest and lightest metals be found and forged into amour that was both Strong and light. The Salaenas used there advance forgeing to create such armour. It took 120 years to create 200 full suits. Only 200 where made because there was only going to be 200 High Guard members. The High Guard armour was always personalised, the owner of the Armour would paint his family sign onto the armour (Salasses family sign was lighting). The armour was said to be the most advanced in the galaxy and no other race had ever came close to rival the strength of the armour. At the end of the Rikti invasion only one suit of armour was left intact and that was the armour of Salmans Farther which was past down to Salman which was inturn passed to Salass.


Salass and his mother wearing Alune Hope Armour and High Guard Armour

Alunes Hope

  • Colour: Brownish Red / Orange
  • Weight: Medium
  • Features: Buckles
  • Protection Value: Good
  • Time to Create: Half a day for full suit

When the Rikti invaded and Aldaion formed the peoples army known as (Alunes Hope) he was quick to order all metal smiths to work around the clock to create basic armour. The armour was so basic almost all Salaenas could make it which made production very fast. Atleast 500,000 full suits were made in a single day which says 250,000 or more must have the knowledge they needed to create the armour. The armour is very basic in design. The armour was rushed unlike the High Guards armour which made it quite heavy for some Salaenas but the armour still offerd alot of protection. Like the High Guards armour the Alune Armour was also personalised by the owner painting there family sign onto the armour. (The female in the picture is Salasses mother without here wriste clothe).