The Hero Salass

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Part 3 of the Story of Salass

Part 3 is the last part of the Story of Salass. This part explains how he got to the planet Earth and why he stayed.

Salass looking over the city


After Salass was launched into space he became overwhelmed with anger. The pod didn't get to far before crashing into a near by planet. The planet was controlled by a lesser race than the Salaenas but they were still pretty advanced. They had great knowledge dimensional portals. This knowledge was never sort after by the Salaenas for the same reason they didn't explore space, which was because they lived under the rules, "What happens outside Alune is not our concern". The race knew a great deal about the Rikti to, explaining that they use all their knowledge about the portals to close them once they opened. They told Salass that they were a race that spreads and destroys using portals to invade their enemies, and that they have never lost a war and will never accept defeat. They're far too proud to do that. The race took Salass in for the week and taught him how to control the pod he was launch in. The race then explained that the Rikti want only to destroy and will attack the planets that have the greatest chance of defeating them, they do this so to stop the races from joining forces to stop them once they begin there full out invasion of the galaxy.

Salass asked if it was possible to track the Rikti in anyway. The race did share a bit of information with Salass about a device that picked up Rikti portals. Salass asked for the device to be planted on his ship and asked for food and water for his trip into space. The race did was the Salaena asked, they also gave Salass a bit of information about other planets that could be on the list of targets for the Rikti. A list of 20 planets was given to Salass with the coordinates to all of the planets. The closest planet on the list was a planet called Earth. Salass asked what this planet offered to stop the Rikti. The race explained that they had been watching Earth and the other planets for sometime. They explained that the race that lives on Earth are called humans and that they aren't all that advanced compared to the other races but what they lack in techno they make up for in heroes. Salass was confused, he had never heard of a hero before and so the aliens explained to Salass that heroes were humans that had gifts, some were super fast or super strong, they even had the ability to use elements to aid them. Salass asked for the likely hood for the Rikti to invade Earth and the aliens responded that the chance was 10% higher than the other planets. Salass then set the nav on the pod to go to the planet Earth.

When after a few years of travelling the pod picked up portal readings in the distances. It was still away a way but the readings where without doubt coming from Earth. Salass again got angry as he remembered the last vision he saw of his home. The pod began to heat up and soon Salass had a ring of fire spinning around him. Salass had heard of Salaenas being able to control their hatred in a fire form but it was very rare and those that did was normally called mutant, though still accepted. As the pod got closer to Earth Salass trained his newly found power along with his inherent powers to prepare for the upcoming battle.

The time was early 2003 and the pod that carried Salass entered Earths atmosphere. As the pod was heading down Salass noticed many cities had been destroyed but there were people repairing buildings and cleaning up debris. As Salass was looking for a landing spot a huge explosion hit the side of the pod, which sent to hurrying down to the ground. The pod hit close to a lake that seemed to be in a park. Salass managed to get out and saw 3 figures in front of him, then he passed out. The 3 figures were in fact heroes, they took Salass to the nearest med centre to have his wounds looked out. When Salass came to he saw the 3 figures again who were quick to apologise and explained that they were heroes of the Vanguard. They explained to Salass that they attacked the pod because the pod looked like they were built by the Rikti and that they couldn't take any chances in allowing it to carry on flying in the sky. Salass was very fast to ask question about the Rikti and wanted to know mainly what had happened to the Rikti. The heroes explained that the Rikti and human race had been in dreaded war, and that many heroes and non-hero forces meet their death in the war. They told Salass about the finally battle where two teams of heroes assaulted the Riktis main portal. Salass asked about the state of his pod and demanded it be returned to him. The heroes didn't really know how to tell Salass that the pod had all ready been total destroyed by the Vanguard to stop criminal groups from getting there hands on it so they just told him it had been stolen and that when they found it, it was nothing but scrap. Salass wasn't to please about hearing this but the fact the humans were still alive gave him some hope that the Rikti would return. The heroes were still confused about the origin of Salass. They asked many times who he was and where he came from but Salass didn't answer all he told them is that the Rikti destroyed his home planet and that he would not leave Earth until he has destroyed them. The heroes didn't understand what that meant. They knew that there were still Rikti on Earth but there was no way Salass could destroy the Rikti on Earth, and that he would need to go to there planet to do that. Salass remembered what the alien race told him about the Rikti and told the heroes as long as Earth remains a threat they will return. The 3 heroes then told Salass that if he was going to stay he might as well became a hero like them, they told him that while he was waiting for the Rikti he could train himself up by defeating villains on Earth. Salass was more than happy to accept and put on his fathers High Guard armour and then wrapped his mother's cloth around his lower face. The hero Salass was born.