The Story of Salass

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The Invasion of Alune is the first part of the story of Salass. It dosnt invole Salass but it dose explain what the planet of Alune is like and it explains the nature of the Salaenas. It also describes how the war started and what the Salaenas did to try and counter the Rikti.

Part 1 of the story of Salass


Invasion of Alune

The year is 3796 (1993 in Earth time), an advanced race known as the Salaenas lived in peace on their home world called Alune. The Salaenas were a very peaceful race that rarely deals with war and battles. They knew how to go faster than light but were never really bothered about leaving their home planet. The last time they dealt with space their home world was invaded by another race. This invasion was quickly destroyed and the Salaenas set up a defence force to handle any other threat Alune may face. This Force was known as the "High Guard". Unlike most races the Salaenas have long life spans, some Salaenas have been around for 450 years. The Salaenas males have great love to their planet and will never leave the planet no matter what happens. The females do love the planet but if the need arise would leave and some have to seek information about the rest of the galaxy.

All Salaenas have the ability to use their energy in helping day-to-day tasks like construction and healing. Only the High Guard train in fully combat, the rest train in self-defence against the creatures of the wild, but they are still very powerful. The leader of the peaceful Salaenas was a man called Aldaion. Aldaions father was the leader who led the counter attack against the alien invaders 500 years ago, he was also the founder of the High Guard. Aldaion was a very well respected for his strength and smartness. When Aldaion came into power 200 years ago he created the greatest city ever made in honour of his father and the defenders who died in the war. The cities name was "City of Life".

On the month of bloom (April) a rift opened in the middle of the sky. None of the Salaenas knew what this was and began to study the strange rift. It didn't take long for the studiers to report that the rift was a portal of some sort. Aldaion sent a High Guard to the portal with means and power to act as an ambassador to the Salaenas. As soon as the Ambassador got close to the portal thousands opened all over the grand city. And with the portals alien troops came pouring though shooting their energy blasters. The High Guard was quick to respond and quickly ordered all Salaenas in the area to leave the City at once. Out of the 4,000 Salaenas who lived in the city of life only 200 meet their death, no High Guard died. The Alien race was quick to destroy all buildings and power stations. The next day Aldaion ordered all male and female Salaenas who where able to fight to join together and where named "Alunes Hope". Alunes Hope consisted of more than 500,000 Salaenas. Out of rage of losing the City of Life Aldaion and the other Salaenas felt a feeling they had never felt in over 500 years, hate. The very next day Alunes Hope was split into more than a 100 teams and were ordered to counter attack the alien forces. The counter attack was an amazing success and to every Salaena dead 7 alien invaders meet their death. This success did come at a cost and the cost was high. Out of rage the Salaenas didn't hold back and let lose all the powers they had. This not only caused the defeat of the Aliens but also destroyed every city the Salaenas were trying to take back, and with every city destroyed the rage built up. The counter attacks were launched all month and the war was named "The War of Alune". After the first month of counter attacking only 2 cities were taken back along with 5 towns, either the Aliens or the Salaenas destroyed all the rest. At this point the Salaenas had lost their advantage in battle, which was the element of surprise. The Alien forces had massed armies in each city that they still controlled and every battle between the 2 races ending in a draw with both sides retreating. The only difference in the outcome was that the Aliens seem to get reinforced with new troops the very next day, while Alunes Hope didn't. The only force that was having any success in the war was the High Guard lend by the very well respected Salman. Every battle they entered they were outnumbered more than 100 to 1. Yet thanks to their great tactics and healers not one high guard member died in the battles. The only problem with this force was that it only had 200 members. And they all fought side by side and once the battle was over they were to tired to continue so they were involved in attacking and not defence for most the war.

On the month of the Sun (July) Aldaion led a small task force of 50 High Guards to the main assault ship in an attempt to destroy the leaders of the Alien race who at this time had been identified as the Rikti. Aldaion chose such a small group because the ship was deep behind enemy lines and there was little chance of a large group to seek past the front lines. Aldaion and his team did manage to seek past as one of the member off Alunes Hope saw but they would never been seen again after they entered the ship. Now Alunes Hope was ordered into defence and the High guard members took station at each outpost to command the Defenders. The Rikti sent there fleet of ships to destroy the HQ of the High Guard but all was either destroyed or captured to look for their leader. Once the Rikti ships failed in their task thousands of Rikti began to attack every day on the cities. Even Salmans hometown came under attack but luckily a member of the High Guard led a small band to the town to help anyone who was still there. At the end of the month of wind (September) almost all the cities had been over run. Salman saw thousands upon thousands of Rikti coming to take the city he and his group was defending. The city was the last city the Salaenas had other than 1 more town were many of the females were living. Knowing that once the city falls the way to the town is completely open so Salman took his High Guard armour off and gave it to his friend and instructed him to take what was left of Alunes Hope and The High Guard to the town and assist in the space pod project the women were undergoing. Salman then turned around and charged head first into the bulk of the Rikti forces and with a great battle cry "FOR ALUNE" he charged all the energy in his body and let it all out at once. This caused a huge explosion, which took a good number of the Rikti forces, but it also took the life of Salman.

The Rikti