The Story of Salass

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Part 2 of the Story of Salass

Part to explains what Salass did on Alune during the War of Alune. It also explains how Salass left the planet and how he obtained his amour.

Salass wearing his fathers Armour and the cloth his mother gave him

The Orgin of Salass

Salass the child of the high guard captain Salman was 16 during the time of the Rikti invasion. Like the rest of his race he had ability to control his energy. Due to the invasion his father only instructed Salass on how to use his energy in a powerful burst and because it was rushed Salass never really had full control of his power. Normally male Salaenas would be trained in how to use their power in helping day-to-day tasks. The female Salaenas focused mainly on teaching the young on how to transfer their energy to others which would heal them. Salass never was shown this by his mother and thus never learned how too.

         Salass was of noble blood and came from a long time of well-respected Salaenas. His grand father was also the bodyguard of Aldaions father. During the war Salass often attempted to join his father in the attacks and later the defences of the war, but he was always refused. His mother said he was to young and wouldn't stand a chance. His father said that if fully grown and trained Salaenas were dieing in battle than there's no chance a child who couldn't control his powers would ever last long and that he would cause more problems cause people will constantly have to save him. This did upset Salass, he loved his home world just like any other Salaena and being forced to just sit and do nothing was tearing Salass apart. In the month of Sun (July) Salass hometown came under strong attack and there was only a few members of Alunes Hope there to help defend. A sole Rikti trooper managed to break into the home of Salass family. This was the first time Salass ever attacked another creature. Salass raised his 2 arms and aimed his fists at the Rikti, 4 huge balls of energy flew out of Salass'es fists and went to the Rikti. The first ball went flying past and blow the wall out the house, the second missed and hit the house on the other side of the street, the third and fourth both hit the Rikti in the head which sent the alien flying out and into the street. It didn't take long for the Rikti to get back to his feet and begin to charge at Salass. Seeing this Salass opened fire with everything he had. Out of all the balls he shot only 4 made it to the Rikti. The 4 that did manage to hit the Rikti knocked it back to the ground. A high guard member saw a building collapse and rushed down to see what was happening. Salass out of breath fell to his knees while the Rikti returned to his feet. The high guard member saw the Rikti and quickly destroyed it. He then picked up Salass and took him out of the town with the rest of the defenders. It wasn't long till Salass mother and the rest of the mothers decided that it was time to send their offspring off into space to escape the wrath of the Rikti. The females began to create small pods, which could support a growing child. 30 pods where made from each assault ship that was captured from the Rikti. In total more than 90 pods were constructed. This wasn't to good of a success being as there were more than a thousand children. The females told what were left of Alunes hope and the High Guard to try and capture more but they would not listen. They would never accept the Rikti could not be beaten no more, and they all still thought there would be no defeat and only victory in the end. The women then decide it to put the strongest of the children into the pods to help improve the chance of there race living on in space. Salass was granted a pod for two reasons. One was that he was noble blood and son to a captain of the high guard and the second reason was because he was the only under 18 to ever face and fight a Rikti and not die.

The month of the everlasting night (December) hit Alune hard but not as hard as it Salass. Knowing now he will be sent into space on his own did not scare him, but the fact he knew that Alune was going to be destroyed hurt him deeply. On the 6th, five of the High guard came back to the small town along with 60 members of Alunes hope. They were all battered and bleeding and most of them were out of breath and began passing out. Leing watcher of the High guard (2nd in command) told all the people in the town that they were all that was left of the defence force and that all the other towns and cities had been burned to the ground. He turned around to see Salass looking into the sky. Leing walked over to Salass and stood beside him, he looked at Salass and told him that his father would not be coming back, and that he thought the vast army of the Rikti on his own to give the rest of the defenders time to escape. Leing then told Salass that his father didn't die to the Rikti and that he used all that was left of his energy in his body to blow him self up along with good number of the Rikti. He then placed a bag in front of Salass explaining before his father went to face the Rikti he took his armour off and gave it to him to give to Salass along with the words "Never give up the fight". Leing walked away slowly and went to speak to the others about the next battle. Salass didn't move thought the night.

As morning came the first 30 pods were launched into space and Salass was getting ready to be launched as well. As Salass entered his pod his mother came to him and gave him a small bit of cloth she wore around here arm. Leing gathered the few defenders left and put them into teams, A, B and C. A team had the most troops in was ordered to attack the Rikti forces before they got to the town. Team B were charged with escorting the pods out of space and then coming back to help team A. team C had the youngest members and were charged with defending the town if group A and B didn't return. After 30mins of the first launch the rest of the pods were launched which present a big target for the assault ships. Team B quickly attacked the lead ships. Salass was watching the battle from his pod. He watched as Team B and a few of the pods below him was completely destroyed. He then saw the whole Rikti army marching over the hill with no sign of team A. The pod then left the planet and jumped into light speed. The last thing Salass saw was all the Rikti assault ships firing onto the town.